Chemical Cleaning Services

Plant-Tech Arabia provides professional chemical cleaning services to all segments of the industry. We clean virtually everything from large steam boilers to smallest heat exchangers.


Plant-Tech Arabia welcomes the challenge to analyze your fouling problems, developing solutions and proving the economical advantages of its working methods. Every project does require a careful study of the existing problem. Analysis on equipment and deposits, to select the right solvents and cleaning technique, will be made. Before a job starts, you know in writing what you will get for your money. Plant-Tech Arabia provides a complete chemical cleaning service.


“A Tradition of Quality cleaning.”


Plant-Tech Arabia analyses the scales and design a process tailor made to your requirements, then the crew of skilled supervisors, chemists and technicians, are deputed to the site.


Pumps, tank, trucks, chemicals and any required special equipment to the job site. The project is completed to satisfaction with strict adherence to safety and environmental regulations.