Our specialized focus in the field of catalyst handling services, with many years of industry experience, will assist your company with the challenges faced when reactor turnarounds (shutdowns) are performed. Catalyst change-out and re-loading are performed in both inert as well as fresh air environments, with all required and suitable specialized equipment and personnel available. Various types of catalyst materials can be managed. Listed below are the various tasks that we undertake in relation to Catalyst Handling & Reactor Maintenance Services:
Our principals in India have the license and equipment given by UOP for their Dense Loading Technology. We can also undertake DENSICAT, CATAPAC & UNIDENSE Loading of reformer tubes. Our workmen are well trained to work in confined space both under ordinary as well as under inert atmosphere using breathing air apparatus and life support boxes. We provide our services not only in Saudi Arabia, but also other regions on the Asian continent into the Petro-Chemical and Oil and Gas Industries.